What difference does it make if you like a button or not you might ask? 

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What difference does it make if you like a button or not you might ask?  There is a lot that goes on with the Twitter Likes button or feature.  The first it is a clear indication that you have read a tweet and liked the comments.  Secondly, it is your chance to acknowledgement that you are in agreement with the tweet and the caption.  Whatever your reason a likes key is your chance to be heard.  A lot of people read tweets or useful articles online but rarely show approval.  It is therefore a clear indication of appreciation.

Another great feature that the ‘likes’ button allows you to enjoy is to bookmark a tweet.  The numbers of tweets that are shared everyday are incredible and can be overwhelming.  If you take time to like a tweet you can easily refer to it.  It is one great way of bookmarking an article for future use.  It is impossible to like so many articles at ago.  And interestingly any liked article is easier to archive when needed.  So there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking a tweet if you appreciate the contents and would wish to refer to it later or retweet it later.

The Twitter likes button is an easier way to get recognition compared with cold calls and emails.  People normally deny having received calls or read emails but with the ‘likes’ key, it is easier to know when the same has been read.  This is true even though Twitter does not show the list of those who have liked your tweet or caption.   Tweets are easier to reply or if one is busy they will simply press the like button to show their appreciation of acknowledgement of the tweet and therefore it is a little difficult to deny its receipt.

The ‘likes’ key is a heart and a heart in real life represents many things.  It’s a sign of life and being a live and secondly it’s away of love.  Love has all along been associated with the heart and a heart therefore is an incredible way of corresponding with those on your platform.   It is one sincere way to express your feeling and motion on the social media platform.  The social media platform is one place where people rarely show their emotion and when Twitter allows its users and followers to show emotions what then is wrong?  Nothing absolutely!

If it has been your desire to grow your profile on the social media platform, then this Twitter ‘likes’ key is the thing.  You will be simply amazed at the effect you will receive from both friends and foes.  The ‘likes’ button popularity has according to available research been positively received and seems to be outdoing the favorite key that dominated the scene for a much longer time.  The social media platform fraternity or followers have come to appreciate the ‘likes’ key and its benefits in its use both on an individual and corporate level.  Nothing could have come at a better time, if you care to check.